Monday, 15 September 2008

fabric and mind destash

After being at a stand still for about a week, and looking at what I have around me...regarding materials and supplies, I've begun a clear out of fabric.
Some of it I'm giving to the recycling bin, the rest I'm making scarves!
It's just been sitting for too long, and even though I've always had the intention to use it one day, I've realized that I can't hold onto it ALL!
I love patchwork, and with added details like embroidery, buttons, shells, beads and sequins I've been having fun making some long scarves.

I've also cleared out a load of beads and bits I don't want (going on ebay or etsy sometime soon).
It's true that clearing clutter clears your head too.

At times I'd love to get rid of everything and live in a tipi.
We do have one, that we bought a few yrs ago have but never put it up!
Maybe it's time to...something tells me!

I recently found a beautiful place in Wales that does a four day retreat for women, to heal and recharge energy..
'Barefoot healing Tipi retreat with Corinna Michelle'.
With all the demands of work, motherhood, and generally keeping things together puts burden on our energies!
Sometimes we have to find the time to be in tune with our own selves.
Check out this website if you're interested in reiki,rituals, retreats and gatherings

I'd love to go!

I've often thought about doing a Reiki course, mostly to use for myself, family and friends....
and having a clear mind has made it stronger in me, and that I have to follow my heart..

Friday, 12 September 2008


Even though I've been in an unmotivated wandering mood recently I've managed to make some small pieces, fun things that I felt needed to get out into the world.
I've sold a few of them already (all to the same person) and as they were just a kind of experiment (like a lot of my work) I was surprised that they went so quick!
They are quite large for brooches...I'd call them corsages maybe..
and I used these lovely fabric moon and sun faces I bought .
I've hunted around for more, but can't seem to find any fabric the same!
I'll perhaps paint some myself.
I've had an idea for a while to make clay faces for bags, brooches, etc, so I'll get around to doing that soon too.

they actually relate to some of my paintings too, and I'm starting to realize that most of my work does link together.
I was talking to a friend the other day about how we see our own work and how others might perceive it completely differently, maybe in a way we don't see ourselves.
I know I feel unfocused and lacking in direction at times, but other people tell me they see the opposite!
Is it the perfectionist in me?
I do like to be 80-100% positive and confident in what I produce, and if there's any doubt in my mind, I'll think it's rubbish!
I would LOVE to be able to focus on one thing, whether it be clay or fabric constructions and develop from there, but my mind is constantly churning out these ideas and so I hop from one thing to another, maybe only making one or two of something and then moving onto the next creation!
But one thing I know is that I LOVE faces!

Making a printing stamp from pizza packaging.

I sometimes buy pre-made pizzas. I think they are pretty awful and have no taste, but if the family are hungry and I'm feeling lazy...t...