Thursday, 27 November 2008

etsy shop banner

I spent ages on this, trying to merge a few photos together with some text....
I'm pretty pleased, as it's my first attempt!
It's bright and eye catching....don't you think?

Next thing to do is sort some of my dark and blurry photos, take more photos and add more items....
I have so much stuff that 'needs' to go.....hopefully I'll sell them in my shop for xmas!?

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

cold and dull

I was going to take loads of photos today and list things in my etsy shop...and on ebay, but because it was so dull, windy and cold , there was just no light to take good photos!
It just meant that I spent a bit too much time in front of my computer instead!
I tell myself that it's restful......and I've been told to take it easy and rest.......
although I do know that computers can drain your energy!!!
Oh well~~~~

here's a photo of something I'm working on at the moment......

Friday, 21 November 2008


With Winter approaching, and a change in the air, I've been doing a lot of shifting inside and out!
I've been de-cluttering for a while now, but a lot of it has been at a slow pace, up until the past week or two!
Situations, and problems have all come to the surface, and each day comes a new breath of air, a fresh breeze to carry away some more heavy loads!
My work space is being cleared out, making room for me to focus on what's important.
My life has taken a turn around a corner and a light has been switched on.
Lessons are being learned and eyes are opening wider than before.
Time is precious, and what lies deep within me is coming out....reaching, stretching .

Making a printing stamp from pizza packaging.

I sometimes buy pre-made pizzas. I think they are pretty awful and have no taste, but if the family are hungry and I'm feeling lazy...t...